
Massimiliano Ermolli

Graduated in Business Administration from the American College in London, he started his career in London first in Barclays and then in Credit Suisse, in the Corporate Finance team originating and assisting Italian clients in M&A transactions. In 1999 he returned to Milan, where he joined the management control team of Fastweb and e.Biscom. After that, he joined the family business by setting up the financial advisory and M&A division of Sin&rgetica. He has held offices and positions on the Boards of Directors of Italian companies, was appointed as Extraordinary Commissioner of the Automobile Club of Milan and Director of the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi. Since 2007, he has been Managing Director and Head of Management and HR consulting activities at Sin&rgetica. He is a club-deal promoter in Private Equity and Angel Investing operations. In 2017 he founded 5DOORS, of which he is still chairman, which offers services dedicated to the scouting and generation of real estate club-deals, mainly in the Milan area.


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