
Patrizia Tammaro Silva

Patrizia holds a Master of Arts in Management & Diplomacy with a specialisation in the Economics of Globalisation from Westminster University and a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs and Modern History from the American University of Paris. She was Head of Institutional Sales at J.P. Morgan Asset Management and held roles in private banking, equity sales and as a consultant for the OECD. She then specialised in investor relations, gaining more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry and a deep understanding of asset management, corporate communications and capital markets. During her career, she has held positions at Ferretti Group, Tessellis S.p.A., D-Orbit, Piovan Group, H-Farm and others. Patrizia is a certified coach and supports high performance professionals. She is a board member of the Italian Investor Relations Association (AIR), co-founder of Ethicarei and InvestorClub and serves as senior advisor for Diamante Srl.


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