Valeria Panini
Graduated in Economics and Business with a specialization in Marketing at the University of Rotterdam (NL), married and mother of two children, she is currently a Partner and Managing Director with Proxy of Fisio&lab, Medical Rehabilitation Center and Polyclinic founded in 2009, dealing with physiotherapy, orthopedics and sports medicine. She began her career in IT at Panini Spa, a family company, operating internationally in the banking and payment systems sector. She was CEO from 2005 to 2010 and Director on the Board of Panini North America (Dayton, Ohio, USA) from 2005 to 2019. Always committed to the world of associations, she has been an Aidda member since 2005 and is currently Vice President of the Piemonte Valle d’Aosta Delegation. She was among the founders and then President of CAFID – Coordination of Women Entrepreneurs and Managers Associations. Since 2019 she is an APID member.cInvests her energies and resources in the world of health, sports, digital and everything that brings positive impact on people and the environment.