
Vito Arconzo

Vito is CTO and Co-founder of Insoore. He started his developing activity at the age of 12, developing software for his father’s business.

After dropping out of his computer engineering studies, he jumped straight into the world of programming and started his first experience in a software development company.

In 2006 he decided to undertake a freelance activity that allowed him to collaborate with many companies including multinational corporations such as Mer Mec, Natuzzi,, P&G, Fiat CNH, Wolter Kluwers; both as a software developer and as a teacher.

In addition to working activities, he has written articles and technical books for the national magazine IoProgrammo and has started some collaborations at national level as a speaker for Microsoft.

This latest collaboration allowed him to receive the coveted award as Microsoft MVP for 4 years and to have the opportunity to stay on the Microsoft campus in Seattle in direct contact with the development teams of the Redmond giant.

Developer with over fifteen years of experience in international realities, he is one of the leading experts in .NET technologies.

Companies of which he is founder


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